Monday, May 2, 2011

Where are we heading?!!!

I am sorry , but really got pissed after reading this article.

I can't segregate myself by saying it as hastiness of younger generation as I am a part of it.(Atleast I believe so!!). But this article makes me think a lot. Its heights of irresponsibility, immaturity and lack of humanity.

How degraded would be the thought process of the guy , who got vexed by the girl and in course of time, planned to kill her.

Sometimes i feel that I was lucky considering that I wasn't the guy who had a mobile from the age of  10, I wasn't part of the kids who got PSP's in their class-3 .I consider myself lucky that I didn't see any English action flick during my school till 8th.These are responsible to a good extent for illness of the mind.I don't intend to point that movies or anything are bad here, but more is it with the child who has less thinking or analysis quotient and he tries to involve the same emotions that he felt or showed during the movie he  watched or the game he played.

Its an over awareness  which is working negatively.Its horrendous that the boy had such a thoughts at an age of 12 and more than that, he was not even hesitant to implement the same thoughts.

I hope this article hits strong to all the parents, and they do not  let loose their child in the process to make him oversmart.


  1. Good topic,
    Children at that small age are same as a mirror they just reflect, what they see and experience ..
    Its not only important to make sure, that they stay and experience a good environment, but also keep a close watch on there inception of different things.
    Schools should have equal wait-age on teaching moral things in different practical way's besides chanting the bullshit in books which will never make up to the brain ..

  2. very true that children @ small age are mirrors, the parents should ensure they go in the right way.

  3. The society that includes Parents, Schools and People with degraded attitude and thought process living around these kids has to be prosecuted instead, not the children.

    These days schools teach morals and ethics only if they were made part of the syllabus and weigh in someway in the exams and results.

    I became hopeless about most of the kids today for the unhealthy resources available at their hand(Rs.2500/- is what gave the girl all confidence to act further).

    We must be really careful about our kids! I'm scared!!

  4. I guess u have written this out with a feelin of concern in ur head...i dont think the feasibilty in access to everything fa kids esp would hamper thier thought process. Agreed they have to be nurtured considering thier immaturity, but it is only going to help them get the exposure which is all what is needed.Nd sorry guys, ethics are to be fed into kids brains by thier parents and to some extent the skuls. Its only the balance b/w parents and kids that showers child's prosperity in the future. No'1 to be blamed over the talk of a single incident. There might have been lakhs who might have succeeded in diff tech's, learnt the ancient cultures, and yes have become responsible all at a tender age....

  5. @ alok, There is surely a bit of concern.The title itself suggests tht.ITs good that u r looking into the bright picture of the side, but tht doesnt imply we shd take these incidents as negligible.All i intend is , better involvement of parents and teachers to nurture humanity/compassion rather than ethics.

  6. @ Rahul: True that society includes parents , schools and all the things you mentioned.I feel rather than teaching these things as a theory subject circullum, there should be a practicals which holds same weightage as the mainstream subjects.This will help them in taking ethics/humanity seriously
