Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I am the thought,
I am the action,
I am the change,
I am the motion.

Delved into  deep slumber,
I was completely lost,
a thought then striked me,
but I struggled to fought.

I started to act,
to make a strong impact,
tumbled here and there,
eventually learnt to stand.

My act became my habit,
to an extent of emotion,
I need to bring change,
I believed this with conviction.

I started to convince,
make the people around me to listen,
I took a lot of time,
but i succeeded in my mission.

PS : I tried to explain the first four simple lines in the rest of the poem. I would be happy if anybody would have understood the effort without reading the postscript :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Entrepreneurs :)

        Entrepreneurship seems to be the buzzword everywhere.Every second there has been an idea thought of, every minute there has implementation of the same, every hour there is company and entrepreneur arising of the idea.

        In olden days, the intent to be huge was important rather than the idea as the competition was lesser and few entrepreneurs made it really big.DhiruBhai Ambani, Shiv Nadar, Narayan Murthy belonged to the league who made fortunes with the spirit and idea rather than money behind it.

       With course of time, formal courses were introduced to inculcate and promote the idea of business and entrepreneurship.The advent and rapid growth of technology opened a great pavement for different ideas and implementing them.The competition went stiffer and patenting those ideas became the way to make one's idea to himself.The competition is on a high rise now and any loophole in the execution of the idea is leading to its utter failure.The redundancy in the idea can sometimes be the reason of its failure.

      To all the wannabe entrepreneurs , just be open to ideas. Right from a pan-shop you have a cigarette at,  to the office you work at, there are lots of ideas. The key is to look into the feasibility and impact of the idea.I don't need to quote examples, but redbus.in,dotcabs and many other ideas were the result of keeping the eye open.

      I intend to be one of the same wannabe and hope I implement at least one idea.

PS : MBA is not a prerequisite to an entrepreneur. My friends have been entrepreneurs without any MBA and they are doing good. The key is they are still fighting to make it big.There ventures are:

http://acdsmanufacturing.com/ACDS/  ( A manufacuring services start up)

http://www.pluraltechnology.com/v4_2/v4/index.html (An IT startup )

Monday, May 2, 2011

Where are we heading?!!!

I am sorry , but really got pissed after reading this article.


I can't segregate myself by saying it as hastiness of younger generation as I am a part of it.(Atleast I believe so!!). But this article makes me think a lot. Its heights of irresponsibility, immaturity and lack of humanity.

How degraded would be the thought process of the guy , who got vexed by the girl and in course of time, planned to kill her.

Sometimes i feel that I was lucky considering that I wasn't the guy who had a mobile from the age of  10, I wasn't part of the kids who got PSP's in their class-3 .I consider myself lucky that I didn't see any English action flick during my school till 8th.These are responsible to a good extent for illness of the mind.I don't intend to point that movies or anything are bad here, but more is it with the child who has less thinking or analysis quotient and he tries to involve the same emotions that he felt or showed during the movie he  watched or the game he played.

Its an over awareness  which is working negatively.Its horrendous that the boy had such a thoughts at an age of 12 and more than that, he was not even hesitant to implement the same thoughts.

I hope this article hits strong to all the parents, and they do not  let loose their child in the process to make him oversmart.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I primarily intend to write this post, to stress on why change is needed.
Change as a process is striving for better. Its a continuous manifestation for improvement.My sole objective of the blog is to write various noticeable incidents happening to the world around me, including me.I don't intend to blame any kind of system, but would try to suggest changes/improvements as rationally as possible.

Let the change lead and make the magic.

Cheers :)


I start this blog with the quote I really adore.

Be the change you want to see in the world. :)