Thursday, December 22, 2011

Spirit of an Entrepreneur??

 The buzz word Entrepreneur has quite a weight if you are a graduate from an IIM.The notion that venture capitalists or angel investors are ready to make investments and get their favorable returns is a misnomer.If we consider the legacy of the top 6 IIMs, There will be around close to 75000 people who graduated from these IIMs and  just around 1%  have taken a chance of an entrepreneurial stint. Of these there will be around 100 who have emerged successfully in their entrepreneurial voyage.

                   If we consider the parameters such as risk, return and degree of freedom, the risk associated with a high admission fees which costs around 15 lakhs for two years,  mostly funded by a bank which charges compounded interest rate is high.There is hardly an incentive to take risk to follow one's dream.There will always be a doubt in the mind of the students who really want to do something for the better.This in effect builds the whole system of IIM's as placement agencies.The frustration of higher deviation in packages leads to race of grades, and flaunting of abilities and qualities.This in turn leads to a frame of mind of higher pays in the mind of MBA aspirants and everybody  who wants to earn higher aspires to write Management entrances.All this constitutes a vicious cycle.

                  There seems to be a solution which might change the system for the better.If the fees of 15 lac  for students is forgone, IIMs would have to fund 400 crore through Ministry of HRD.This might put them to a loss for the short term but in a longer term will surely bud entrepreneurs at a much higher rate. Presently , a maximum of around 20-25 opt out jobs every year to chase their dreams but when the pressure of  paying back money is taken out, the student will be satisfied at a job which pays low and will look for doing something of his own which interests him.

                  I again intend to quote my favorite line from "Atlas shrugged".

"World lies in the hands of creators and they are responsible  to move the society forward."

PS: Just an opinion, Which makes sense to me.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Ahem, Mythology,

Mythology is a well built fiction with a good mix of logic.This has been the reason of its sustenance.
I intend to explain a story which tells about how feudalism and caste ism came into existence.
 There  were four sects of people, who had contention w.r.t society. Brahmans, Kshatriya's, Sudra's and  Vaishyas.

Brahmans had a point that they have the right to teach and nobody else has the right to do the same. Kshatriya's took the right to fight and leading the land. Sudra's took the right of doing respectable occupations like farming,sunaar and lauhar etc.Finally  the last guy was left out of dal and was hence was called dalit,  etymologically, the existence of the name came from these roots.This example was portrayed by a  successful Kshatriya farmer who had a "surpanch" from a dalit group sitting at his door steps on no where , where as we were held high and proud with this mythological metaphor.

The banality of how well the society is progressing towards has been my repercussion towards Rural immersion.Though it was a tour which had no bounds w.r.t. time, it did provide me an insight about how banal the things were portrait. The poverty was abysmally high with very low levels of satisfaction, but still the people who held government positions intend to prove the fact that the society is towards progress.


Friday, November 11, 2011

The Three Musketeers

              All the people of various schools of thought can be broadly classified into three categories.

              Firstly the desperado's ,Who are very instinctive on proving themselves.Proving themselves right is not wrong thing to do, but  doing it with all kind of means is not viable. A good number of desperado's won't even have a clear sense of purpose  but its just their irrational feeling that they are smarter than the world around and want to blow the rest.They believe that they are another Guy Fawkes around and would revolutionize the things.I am not sure whether its their sheer arrogance or their potent confidence.If its their potent confidence ,the world would have been a much better place to live in.Another point is very few have a point of integrity bound with them.They intend to lead the people around in every way possible.

              Secondly are critiques.They are responsible for the mess around.They are potent and have a good sense of purpose.Its just that they are better off at ridiculing the things rather than clearing the mess and make the world a better place to live in.They are laid back in their attitude and feel better in appreciating the causes rather than working for it.They believe in idealism and this is one of their biggest mistakes.The often loose the desire to perform and take a beating further by desperado's which makes them reticent further.
              Finally are the Followers.They are confused souls and often confuse upon following desperado's as desperado's are  quick in achieving results .They sometimes follow critiques because they have sense of purpose.Though in achieving of the final result they have a very little role to play, Its that their stake holding in either of the other two groups boost the morale of that group.

             I conclude on the note that critiques have major role to play than just reasoning out as they have to perform to make the world better,Followers have to be more clearer in their decision making and the desperado's have to be suppressed .

             Though I have a strong negative view on desperado's but they should cease to exist to make a healthy environment around.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Managament-What does it really mean!!

         Lots of people come up with aspirations of trying and doing different things when they realize an MBA in an IIM.Few people think of exploring various things and doing the best suiting to them.Some people have a preconceived idea of what they want to do and take all chances to do the same.For some people , money is the most important motivating factor and intend to do specialization in the field which gives the best rewards.Some people feel for their passion and try to live up to it.All this leads to a rat race of grades and placements.

       A lots of people are not only concerned about their grades but also make sure that the grades of the rest are not good enough compared to them.A few instances I have noticed made me feel so pity about them.

       A notion by a classmate of mine which says that grades are proportional to the intelligence you have and hence I am in race for grades makes me pity about him.

       I actually have a confusion.Should I pity for the people who are so concerned about their grades.Should I pity about the people who believe in the intelligence reflected by grades.Should I pity myself for being lackadaisical  and boasting about importance of learning than grades?

       Eventually  two of the three kinds would be idiots and one will be intelligent.But who will it be  and how fair would it be ?

      Another food for thought is how relevant MBA is making you realize your area of interest.With the rat race all over and everybody in one or the other way trying to play all the strategies of game theory , how much is each  individual's choice acknowledged.Here the comparison of Indian b-schools and the quality of education and learning they intend to inculcate in comparison with the global b-schools also comes into picture.

      Is two years a good enough time to learn all the nuances of management?

      To my knowledge, the institutions focus more on teaching about how to manage things rather than learning? Is this justified ? Is all the job of them to  make us a manager  right? Is there any focus on creating things rather than managing things?

      India needs more creators rather than managers.Hence the focus of education should be for creating things.This poses another question of introducing degrees which teaches us both technical and managerial skills.

       I am reminded of Ayn rand's Atlas Shrugged which emphasizes the importance of creators.In the preface of it , there is a beautiful quote which says World lies in the hands of creators and they are responsible  to move the society forward.

      My confusion still prevails and I have been trying to find answers for all these questions and many more since I entered into masters of Management.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


The world is sunk in illusion,so am I,
The world is wretched,so am I,
The world needs a solution,so do I,
World is a rotten place,Can we deny??

Everybody has a Satan in him, so do I,
Everybody has a God in him ,so do I,
The point is how more we are one of them,
and how much we want one of them to die.

Life is reflection of what we think,
Its about living every breath and fly,
Its not a closed box to live in,
We get into a closed box only when we die.

Time heals all the worries and fears,
it teaches all the lessons before we die,
live and learn from life,
so that to the world, you bid a meaningful goodbye.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I am the thought,
I am the action,
I am the change,
I am the motion.

Delved into  deep slumber,
I was completely lost,
a thought then striked me,
but I struggled to fought.

I started to act,
to make a strong impact,
tumbled here and there,
eventually learnt to stand.

My act became my habit,
to an extent of emotion,
I need to bring change,
I believed this with conviction.

I started to convince,
make the people around me to listen,
I took a lot of time,
but i succeeded in my mission.

PS : I tried to explain the first four simple lines in the rest of the poem. I would be happy if anybody would have understood the effort without reading the postscript :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Entrepreneurs :)

        Entrepreneurship seems to be the buzzword everywhere.Every second there has been an idea thought of, every minute there has implementation of the same, every hour there is company and entrepreneur arising of the idea.

        In olden days, the intent to be huge was important rather than the idea as the competition was lesser and few entrepreneurs made it really big.DhiruBhai Ambani, Shiv Nadar, Narayan Murthy belonged to the league who made fortunes with the spirit and idea rather than money behind it.

       With course of time, formal courses were introduced to inculcate and promote the idea of business and entrepreneurship.The advent and rapid growth of technology opened a great pavement for different ideas and implementing them.The competition went stiffer and patenting those ideas became the way to make one's idea to himself.The competition is on a high rise now and any loophole in the execution of the idea is leading to its utter failure.The redundancy in the idea can sometimes be the reason of its failure.

      To all the wannabe entrepreneurs , just be open to ideas. Right from a pan-shop you have a cigarette at,  to the office you work at, there are lots of ideas. The key is to look into the feasibility and impact of the idea.I don't need to quote examples, but,dotcabs and many other ideas were the result of keeping the eye open.

      I intend to be one of the same wannabe and hope I implement at least one idea.

PS : MBA is not a prerequisite to an entrepreneur. My friends have been entrepreneurs without any MBA and they are doing good. The key is they are still fighting to make it big.There ventures are:  ( A manufacuring services start up) (An IT startup )

Monday, May 2, 2011

Where are we heading?!!!

I am sorry , but really got pissed after reading this article.

I can't segregate myself by saying it as hastiness of younger generation as I am a part of it.(Atleast I believe so!!). But this article makes me think a lot. Its heights of irresponsibility, immaturity and lack of humanity.

How degraded would be the thought process of the guy , who got vexed by the girl and in course of time, planned to kill her.

Sometimes i feel that I was lucky considering that I wasn't the guy who had a mobile from the age of  10, I wasn't part of the kids who got PSP's in their class-3 .I consider myself lucky that I didn't see any English action flick during my school till 8th.These are responsible to a good extent for illness of the mind.I don't intend to point that movies or anything are bad here, but more is it with the child who has less thinking or analysis quotient and he tries to involve the same emotions that he felt or showed during the movie he  watched or the game he played.

Its an over awareness  which is working negatively.Its horrendous that the boy had such a thoughts at an age of 12 and more than that, he was not even hesitant to implement the same thoughts.

I hope this article hits strong to all the parents, and they do not  let loose their child in the process to make him oversmart.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I primarily intend to write this post, to stress on why change is needed.
Change as a process is striving for better. Its a continuous manifestation for improvement.My sole objective of the blog is to write various noticeable incidents happening to the world around me, including me.I don't intend to blame any kind of system, but would try to suggest changes/improvements as rationally as possible.

Let the change lead and make the magic.

Cheers :)


I start this blog with the quote I really adore.

Be the change you want to see in the world. :)