Friday, November 11, 2011

The Three Musketeers

              All the people of various schools of thought can be broadly classified into three categories.

              Firstly the desperado's ,Who are very instinctive on proving themselves.Proving themselves right is not wrong thing to do, but  doing it with all kind of means is not viable. A good number of desperado's won't even have a clear sense of purpose  but its just their irrational feeling that they are smarter than the world around and want to blow the rest.They believe that they are another Guy Fawkes around and would revolutionize the things.I am not sure whether its their sheer arrogance or their potent confidence.If its their potent confidence ,the world would have been a much better place to live in.Another point is very few have a point of integrity bound with them.They intend to lead the people around in every way possible.

              Secondly are critiques.They are responsible for the mess around.They are potent and have a good sense of purpose.Its just that they are better off at ridiculing the things rather than clearing the mess and make the world a better place to live in.They are laid back in their attitude and feel better in appreciating the causes rather than working for it.They believe in idealism and this is one of their biggest mistakes.The often loose the desire to perform and take a beating further by desperado's which makes them reticent further.
              Finally are the Followers.They are confused souls and often confuse upon following desperado's as desperado's are  quick in achieving results .They sometimes follow critiques because they have sense of purpose.Though in achieving of the final result they have a very little role to play, Its that their stake holding in either of the other two groups boost the morale of that group.

             I conclude on the note that critiques have major role to play than just reasoning out as they have to perform to make the world better,Followers have to be more clearer in their decision making and the desperado's have to be suppressed .

             Though I have a strong negative view on desperado's but they should cease to exist to make a healthy environment around.